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Product Code: IL16IADBS
36 beautifully illustrated marine animals come together to create a huge wall mural for your home, class or school. The 36 animals are flashcards that can be used to teach students and young ones all the names of their favourite ocean animals. The cards can then be put together to decorate a wall and then be used for easy review. On the back of each card, there are also some explanations that help students and children have a greater understanding of each creature. In A Deep Blue Sea is the perfect addition to any lively classroom or home.
動物和海洋永遠是孩子們最感到有興趣的。 這套學習工具有36個閃示卡,每張卡片的正面有精美的海洋生物插畫和名稱,背面以大型字體秀出海洋動物名稱和簡短的介紹,使學生對海洋動物有更多的認識。 ”IN A DEEP BLUE SEA”既是識字卡也能作為教室或房間的佈置,6x6的長方組合成36張卡做大幅的壁圖,壁圖容易讓學生反覆複習,時時加以記住如何發音,也可以放在地上讓幼年的學習者拼圖使用。 完成拼圖後也能作為遊戲來使用,問些簡單的問題,好比說“哪種動物是爬蟲” “哪種動物有300顆牙齒" “哪種鳥可以喝海水” “哪隻動物有八隻腳” 都非常適合用來玩親子互動遊戲。
Level | Beginner, Pre-intermediate |
Skill | Educational Game, Reading, Speaking, Vocabulary |