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The ESL Guerrilla Handbook



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Product Code: GPV102011

The ESL Guerrilla Handbook is a teacher resource with activities, games, copyable worksheets and reference material. It is an indispensable tool for teachers of English from Kindergarten to Junior High. Use it to supplement the school textbook, for ideas to make lessons more interesting, or for last minute activities.
The ESL Guerrilla Handbook is a teacher resource with activities, games, copyable worksheets and reference material. It is an indispensable tool for teachers of English from Kindergarten to junior high. It was written by Peter Vasil and Aaron Connors, two highly experienced teachers who have combined their years of classroom time to create an invaluable resource for your classroom. Use it to supplement the school textbook, for ideas to make lessons more interesting, or for last minute activities. The ESL Guerrilla Handbook提供豐富的英語教學活動、遊戲以及可供複印之相關圖表等教學參考資源,是幼稚園至國中英文老師不可或缺的工具書。本書可用於輔助學校教科書,使課程更加有趣,或是課堂結束前的簡短活動。更多素材可於天馬行空網站下載www.guerrillateacher.com 。
程度 初級, 普級, 中級, 中高級, 高級
Skill 教師手冊
